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One week with Nest js, is it good? DEV Community
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One week with Nest js, is it good? DEV Community

A module is defined using Nest's `@Module()` decorator, which describes properties such as the module's controllers, providers, and dependencies. Nest.JS offers a good structure and CLI tools for beginners to get started. With the help of a single command, developers can scaffold a whole new feature. Nest.JS provides the module, controller, service and a testing pile to get started. Also, multiple templates and boilerplates are available for different projects. As the Nest framework is entirely in TypeScript, developers with no experience in backend development but experience in front-end development can easily use Nest.JS.

  • But, I have never done any backend, can I take Nest.js as my first project?
  • It has a single method named transform() that takes in value as a parameter — postID in this case.
  • I would lie if I say that everyone who starts messing with Nest.js is going to be productive immediately.
  • It was a more mature programming framework that allowed our engineers to easily have type definitions in our APIs.
  • Providers are plain TypeScript/JavaScript classes with an @Injectable() decorator preceding their class declaration.
  • Developers can leverage the features of Nest.JS to build applications with less code.

The framework is DDD-friendly, Event sourced, and offers microservice architecture. This code will check if the Access Token included in a request is valid. If the token is not valid, the user will get a message indicating that the authorization token is not valid. NestJS Learn step by step to create a NestJS application with examples of folder structure pros and cons advantages and disadvantages.

Generate Auth Service

A module is intended to encapsulate a closely related set of capabilities. Each application has a root module, which Nest uses as a starting point to resolve the application's structure and relationships. It's highly recommended to use multiple modules to organize your application components.

nest.js developer skills

Alternatively, you can clone the starter project for Nest.js here on GitHub. Even though both approaches will produce the same outcome, for the sake of this tutorial and as it recommended for a first time user by the Nest.js team, you will use the Nest CLI to create your project. Then you will proceed to secure the API by managing user authentication via Auth0. To test all the implementation in this part of the series, you will use Postman. TypeScript, as described on its official website, is a superset of JavaScript that compiles down to plain JavaScript.


This will ensure that the usages of your components are type-checked by the compiler, and you can spot errors on time. In this post, you are not going to be provided with any example commands for package installation and/or creating the project, or the project modules. However, your prize will be a repository with an example code as the result of the steps given below. These core concepts of Nest.js help in building scalable, modular, and maintainable server-side applications by providing a structured and efficient development framework. Developers must install the official documentation, and official CLI from NPM packages to start.

nest.js developer skills

In this file, you first imported the required module from @nestjs/common, mongoose, and @nestjs/mongoose. You also imported an interface named Post and a data transfer object CreatePostDTO. In the constructor, you added @InjectModel('Post'), which will inject the Post model into this BlogService class. With that, you will now be able to use this injected model to retrieve all posts, fetch a single post, and carry out other database-related activities.

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Ann is a product specialist who helps engineers easily get started using feature flags. She resides in Toronto where you can find her at the AGO, or at home whipping up a delicious meal. To protect your routes and ensure that every user gets authenticated before accessing some of the resources provided by your API, you will make use of Auth0. The preceding command will run the application in watch mode to track any new changes while the application is still running.

nest.js developer skills

It is built with and fully supports TypeScript (yet still enables developers to code in pure JavaScript). It also combines elements of Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, and Functional Reactive Programming. If you think that it is time to take the challenge and start developing a NestJS REST API, then this post might be useful as a stepping stone. Once unpublished, all posts by patferraggi will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. I also agree that the documentation is outstanding, world class compared to most open source projects.

Maximize Code Security in Your NestJS Applications (Part

This validation is automatic to all endpoints with a dto (data transfer object). The POST api/v1/auth/signup endpoint will call the this.authService.create(user) method, create the user, and return a JWT token. If a user is found and the credentials are valid, the user is returned so Passport can complete its tasks (e.g., creating the user property on the Request object), and the request handling pipeline can continue. If it's not found, we throw an exception and let our exceptions layer handle it. In a real project, this service will be communicating with the database. A good use case for a service provider is to create a PostService that abstracts all communication to the database into this service.

This is still a major advantage, however, since it allows you to better design programs error free prior to runtime. NestJS is a progressive Node.js framework that helps build server-side applications. Nest extends Node.js frameworks like Express or Fastify adding modular organization and a wide range of other libraries to take care of repetitive tasks. This is the first part of this series, and from the second part, you will set up a user interface and create frontend logic using React and TypeScript. How this will work is that once a user is authenticated by Auth0, an access token will be generated for such user to make API calls subsequently. To verify the generated JWT token issued by Auth0, you will make use of Express middleware provided by express-jwt.

Easy to Test, Scale and Maintain

Here, we are importing Strategy, PassportStrategy and AuthService. In our use case with passport-local, there are no configuration options, so our constructor simply calls super() without any options object. Here, the application decides what environment we are currently running on and then chooses the environment configuration. Knowledge of TypeScript and JavaScript is very important to follow along with this tutorial. Experience with Angular is a plus, but no worries – this post will explain every concept you need to know about Nest. Unflagging patferraggi will restore default visibility to their posts.

nest.js developer skills

Similarly to the BlogController, each of the asynchronous methods you have defined here has a metadata decorator and takes in a prefix that Nest.js uses as a routing mechanism. It controls which controller receives which requests and points to the methods that should process the request and return a response, respectively. Controllers in Nest.js are meant to receive incoming HTTP requests from an application frontend and return an appropriate response. This will ensure that the controller is not bloated as most of the business logic has been abstracted to a service. MongoDB is a schema-less NoSQL database that can receive and store data in JSON-like documents. It takes away the idea of thinking and visualizing a database table in rows and columns.

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